We made it to Mexico! Our first stop was a porta john, on the beach in Ensenada. As Jodi hopped out to use the bano, a very excited local came running over, yelling the whole way. I was immediately spooked, checking my mirrors, ready for an ambush! Jodi hurriedly and uneasily returned to the van. Our first stop, and all of those horror stories are coming true, we prepared for the worst! After a few minutes of enthusiastic, but simple Spanglish chatting, we realized our new friend was just super excited to see American surfers. He got a kick out of using his cool surf lingo, we got a kick out of trying to speak Spanish. As we parted, he repeatedly welcomed us to his neighborhood any time, “my home is your home”. Laughing as we pulled away, Jodi informed me that was the most disgusting porta potty she had ever seen, stained from top to bottom, all accessories, including the seat, stripped clean.

We did plenty of rubbernecking, and had a good introduction to our southern neighbor’s crazy driving habits. We finally met some of those topes I heard so much about. A gnarly speed bump, Mexico uses topes randomly throughout populated areas to keep motorists in check. They are not well marked, if marked at all, and are infamous for causing damage to unsuspecting vehicles.

Just before reaching our turnoff, we pulled into a Pemex. All of Mexico gas stations are full service Pemex. “Lleno, por favor.” I have practiced that quite a few times! With a full tank of gas, we turned off the Mex 1. Driving through a neighborhood, we came to a 4 way. Shit, none of these roads are on the map! As we sat, wondering which way to go, we heard a loud whistle. I look in my mirror, and see a man pointing right, well I guess we aren’t the first lost gringos! I wave, “gracias!”, and we are on our way.

The recent storms wreaked havoc on the old, dirt roads. A few miles in, we pulled over and aired down the tires to soften the blow, locking the hubs in just in case. Back home this would be considered a jeep trail, now we are in baja baby!

We were headed to Puntas Cabras. I know we aren’t doing anything that hasn’t been done a thousand times before, but in our heads we are on an epic expedition. I have never even been out of the country, and now here we are, in the middle of a completely foreign land, off-roading towards a completely unknown point on a map! Navigating our way towards the pacific, we surely felt it, the adventure has begun, we are finally doing this thing!

Upon reaching Cabras, the surf was huge and blown out. We decided to continue south, near San Yisidro, and found a sweet spot overlooking the ocean. It seemed absolutely ridiculous, there was not another soul in sight, prime oceanfront property, gorgeous and free! We popped the top. Now this is home is where you park it!

awesome scenery
Like no other! ??
Congrats, you guys are living the dream,,,love the pics,
Thanks. We truly are, hoping we don’t wake up any time soon! ?
Loving all the pictures with the commentary! I know you have to wait for a wifi signal to post. Could you date the posts so we can keep up with where you were when? Have fun!!
Thank you so much! ? We are sending you a message through Cyndi…
Gorgeous and free.
Enough said. Still can’t believe it!